Meet the Team 


Our Exercise Physiologists are tertiary educated, allied health care professionals, who are all registered with the Australian governing body, Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA).


Matthew Byrne

Accredited Exercise Physiologist
B.ExSS (Hons) (Major CEP) AEP ESSAM

Using evidence-based practice, Matthew aims to provide and promote health-related principles to assist individuals in reaching their goals. This philosophy has been fostered by the experience of playing soccer professionally in Europe and Australia. From these experiences he has learned that moving correctly is vital for good health and well-being. Matthew’s passion lies in creating opportunities for individuals to achieve their health and fitness goals through enjoyable, safe and individualised exercise.

Q&A with Exercise Physiologist Matt


Annika Coyne

Accredited Exercise Physiologist
B.ExSS (Hons) (Major CEP) AEP ESSAM

Annika’s interest in the Exercise Physiology developed with her experiences in sport, particularly soccer. Overcoming injuries with the support of a treatment team sparked her interest in rehabilitation and strength and conditioning. Annika utilises her critical thinking skills, evidence-based practice, and her real-world experience of the physical and mental barriers associated with rehab, injury and pain. She is passionate about educating her client to better understand their body, providing individualised exercise programs, and supporting her client to reach their desired health outcome through active based treatment. 

Hannah Kitchen

Accredited Exercise Physiologist

Hannah has been involved in many different sports for many years. From dancing to rowing, she has explored a diverse range of exercise and how each form has its own benefits. Because of her experience, Hannah believes in setting everybody up with the skills needed to allow them to reach their fullest potential. Hannah believes that by using evidence-based practice, a tailored individualised program can be provided for each client, to help them achieve their personal goals and assist them on their way to wellness, whilst providing a safe and fun exercising environment.  

Q&A with Exercise Physiologist Hannah